LGBTQ+ Identities

Your gender and your sexual orientation…

… are nobody else’s business unless you decide to make it their business. But they try, don’t they?

Whether you’re out or not…

Whether you’re a kid or an adult…

Whether it’s classmates or coworkers… or family and friends…

… or church, or politicians, or all of society…

Everyone seems to have an opinion, and everyone claims to have a stake.

You shouldn’t have to hesitate to hold hands with your partner.

You shouldn’t have to worry about which bathroom to use or who you love when looking for a job.

You shouldn’t have to deal with this extra layer of deep problems when life is hard enough and measure how much you share with family and friends.

You shouldn’t have to worry about being verbally abused or physically assaulted.

Nobody has a clue what it’s like for you…

…including me. But I am willing and able to learn.

I know a lot about bias, discrimination, and social injustice. These are all very important in supporting someone who’s been the target of discrimination.

But none of that tells me your story. I want to learn about you and what it’s been like. For you.

I want to know how you think about gender and orientation. I want to know when you realized you didn’t fit into others’ limited definitions. I want to know who you can trust. And who you can’t. I want to know which relationships you’ve had to let go of. And which ones you can’t.

I have been an ally since I was a little kid.

I was around nine-years-old when I first understood the meaning of the word “fag” and removed that word from my vocabulary.

I understand that we all deserve respect, compassion, and support.

I understand that we don’t choose who we’re attracted to… or if we’re attracted to others.

I understand that anatomy can be completely misaligned with who we are.

I understand that society often fails to understand – that society is often wrong.

My office is a safe space for you.

A space where you can say anything without fear of judgment. Even if you tell me something I’ve never heard before.

And you don’t have to have it all figured out. This is where you can figure out what life can look like for you. This is the place to figure out how to navigate the hardest relationships. This is where you can vent your anger and keep moving forward.

I will understand you, support you and encourage you. I will help you develop ways to feel comfortable, complete, and fulfilled regardless of social ignorance. This is all about you – and you are worth it.

Let’s work through these challenges… together.

I get how harmful this is to you. I am trying to help change society, but that takes a long time.

In the meantime, I can help support you and help you navigate the challenges.

Let me be your ally, and let’s work on making tomorrow a brighter day for you. Give me a call: 630.730.5123